Census 2020 resultsData and analyses for New York from the data products as they are released over time by the U.S. Census Bureau
IntroductionExternal resources:HistoryThe decennial census has been conducted in years ending in "0" since 1790, as required by the U.S. Constitution. Article I, Section 2 states that: "Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers . . . The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct." Use of Census DataBeside determining how many representatives each state get, Census data is used for many other cases, for example:
2020 Census Data productAfter the questionnaires are collected, the Census Bureau goes through a process of verification, unduplication and filling in the gaps. Before releasing the counts, the Census Bureau makes sure it doesn't release any personal sensitive information and runs the counts through the Disclosure Avoidance System. The Bureau releases different data products over time, each with more level of detail.
Many geographic boundaries are being confirmed and updated every ten year. The Geography tab contains links to the current geography boundary files. Data QualityDuring all the steps in the Census operation a lot of data is collected that can be used to quantify how well each process in the operation is going. Some of these metrics are used to measure the efficiency of the processes, and others can inform claims about the quality of the count. Another way of gauging quality is comparing the Census counts with independent population estimates. The Data quality tab contains links to analyses of data quality. Disclosure Avoidance System (DAS)External resources:At the Census Bureau Elsewhere BackgroundThe U.S. Census Bureau is required to do an “actual Enumeration” of all the people living in the U.S. every 10 years (U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 2). The bureau also is required to keep personally identifiable information confidential for 72 years (92 Stat. 915; Public Law 95-416). Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 9, provides the mandate for the bureau to not “use the information furnished under the provisions of this title for any purpose other than the statistical purposes for which it is supplied; or make any publication whereby the data furnished by any particular establishment or individual under this title can be identified; or permit anyone other than the sworn officers and employees of the Department or bureau or agency thereof to examine the individual reports (13 U.S.C. § 9 (2007)).” The dual requirement for an accurate count and the protection of respondents and their data creates a natural tension: The more accurate (and therefore usable) the reported data is, the easier it may be to identify individual responses. And yet, as the raw data is altered before being reported (to protect confidentiality), the less usable the publicly released data is. Differential PrivacyThe Census Bureau also added some uncertainty and obscured some of the data in the past as a way to avoid disclosure. In the second half of last decade the Census Bureau announced that they decided to develop new DAS tools for the 2020 Census. These new tools are based on the concept known in scientific and academic circles as “differential privacy.” It is also called “formal privacy” because it provides provable mathematical guarantees, similar to those found in modern cryptography, about the confidentiality protections that can be independently verified without compromising the underlying protections. “Differential privacy” is based on the cryptographic principle that an attacker should not be able to learn any more about you from the statistics we publish using your data than from statistics that did not use your data. After tabulating the data, we apply carefully constructed algorithms to modify the statistics in a way that protects individuals while continuing to yield accurate results. We assume that everyone’s data are vulnerable and provide the same strong, state-of-the-art protection to every record in our database. The consequences of the new DAS for data useOver the last few years, the Census Bureau developed the new DAS, kept stakeholders informed and solicited feedback on several iterations of the system. In June 2021 the Census Bureau settled on final settings of the system. The acting Director wrote in a blog post about consequences of the DAS on the redistricting data: With these parameters, some small areas like census blocks may look “fuzzy,” meaning that the data for a particular block may not seem correct. Importantly, our approach yields high quality data as users combine these "fuzzy” blocks to form more significant geographic units like census tracts, cities, voting districts, counties, and American Indian/Alaska Native tribal areas. Our calibration was designed to achieve acceptable quality thresholds for these levels of geography. So, if you’re looking at block-level data, you may notice situations like the following:
Though unusual, situations like these in the data help confirm that confidentiality is being protected. Noise in the block-level data will require a shift in how some data users typically approach using these census data. Instead of looking for precision in an individual block, we strongly encourage data users to aggregate, or group, blocks together. As blocks are grouped together, the fuzziness disappears. And when you step back with more blocks in view, the details add together and make a sharp picture. In short: block level data is very fuzzy, but fuzziness should disappear in aggregates. Be careful with interpreting average household size as the system is not optimized to deal with this metric. In August 2021 the Census Bureau also releases a demonstration product based on the same final settings, but applied to the 2010 Census. This allows for more insights in the amount of noise for different situations. Impossible and improbable block counts in the 2020 redistricting file compared with 2010
GeographyExternal resources:At the Census Bureau
Elsewhere Cities, towns and villagesDuring the decades boundaries of places are subject to change. There are also villages that choose to unincorporate, etc. During the 2010-2020 decade, the village of Kirias Joel in Orange County decided to split with Monroe Town and create a separate Town, Palm Tree Town. A reference map with the 2020 boundaries of the cities, towns and villages can be found at: pad.human.cornell.edu/maps2020/maps/ReferenceMaps.pdf Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMA)Every ten years the Census Bureau delineates PUMAs with input from the states and stakeholders. The Census Bureau defines PUMAs for the tabulation and dissemination of decennial census and American Community Survey (ACS) Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) data. The 2020 PUMA boundaries are presented at: pad.human.cornell.edu/census2020/PUMA2020maps.cfm with a comparison to the 2010 boundaries and PUMA IDs. Urban areasUrban areas are defined to identify concentrated areas where people live. They are redrawn every 10 years after the Decennial Census. The delineation process in 2020 differed on several points from the 2010 process. More information on the 2020 delineation process can be found here. The new boundaries are displayed on TIGERWeb (link in resources) and shapefiles can be downloaded here. There are two files there, one with the 2010 boundaries and one with the 2020 boundaries. PAD created an atlas of Urban Areas in New York State ApportionmentExternal resources:At the Census Bureau Apportionment is the process of dividing the 435 memberships, or seats, in the House of Representatives among the 50 states based on the population figures collected during the decennial census. Apportionment is based on the number of residents in each state and counts of overseas population that are assigned to each state. In 2020 the resident population of New York was 20,201,249 (19,378,102 in 2010) and the overseas population that was assigned to New York was 14,502 (42,953 in 2010). The growth of the New York population didn't keep up with the total growth of the US population and the NY share declined. The New York 2020 count was just not enough to hold on to 27 seats in the House of Representatives. New York Resident population as reported in the 2020 Apportionment numbers and previouses Censuses
Redistricting (PL94-171)External resources:At the Census Bureau
Elsewhere On August 12, the Census Bureau released the Public Law 94-171 data, better know under the name redistricting data. The primary use of this data is drawing new legislative districts that will give everybody equal representation. The August data release will also provide the first look at the demographic characteristics of the nation by state, county, city, all the way down to the census block level, including:
Redistricting data for New YorkThe data released in August was in a 'legacy' format. We transformed this data and produced a number of Excel workbooks and geodatabases that contain data from the redistricting data and similar data from Census 2000 and Census 2010. All PL data in Excel formatExcel sheets with all of the raw data:
2020 PL data compared with 2010 and 2000Excel workbooks for different levels of geography (select number of variables) - Coming soon
* These workbooks contain revisions that were the result of the Count Question Resolution program. Only totals are revised, so when comparing totals over time, using the revised numbers are recommended. Especially in 2000 there were quite a few corrections because Group Quarters were originally tabulated in the wrong block. The number of revision in 2010 was much smaller. Download 2000 CQR revisions. Download 2010 CQR revisions. Select resultsPercent change in county population between 2010 and 2020![]() Population by Economic region
Change in population by Economic region for the major race/ethnicity categories
Change in population by Economic region for voting age and non voting age
Demographic and Housing Characteristics (DHC)External resources:At the Census Bureau BackgroundOn May 25th, 2023, the Census Bureau released the Demographic and Housing Characteristics file (DHC). This product provides detailed demographic and housing characteristics about the nation and local communities. Some of the detailed tables are produced at the block level, other tables with more are not produced below the tract or county level. The Census Bureau advises to combine blocks together to improve accuracy and diminish implausible results. At the same time the Census Bureau released Demographic Profiles (DP). Demographic Profiles provide an overview of the topics covered in the 2020 Census in one, easy-to-reference table for geographies down to the tract level. Cornell Program on Applied Demographics ProductsUsing data from the DHC and DP, Cornell PAD created:
Initial findingsOur initial findings of this data were:
Findings from looking at the single year of age distributions:
Detailed race informationExternal resources:At the Census Bureau
Detailed race by age and sex (Detailed DHC-A and DHC-B)The 2020 Census asked everyone to provide information about ther origin as part of the race and ethnicity questions. These details are considered detailed race information. In September 2023, the Census Bureau released age and sex tabulations of this detailed race information on data.census.gov and in January 2024 the data was also made available in downloadable summary files. This was followed in August 2024 with information on types of household and tenure by detailed race of the householder. This data provides great insight in the diversity of the racial/origin backgrounds of the population. It contains population counts and sex-by-age statistics for approximately 1,500 detailed racial and ethnic groups, such as German, Lebanese, Jamaican, Chinese, Native Hawaiian, and Mexican, as well as American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) tribes and villages like the Navajo Nation. There are a few things about this dataset that make it different from other Census products:
Table 1: Group size and details provided
Excel file with NY County data on detailed race by sex and age (Detailed DHC-A)Download NY County data on detailed raceThe detailed DHC-A contains a lot of information, but is not easy to use. We created an Excel workbook that contains information on all the detailed and regional groups, but in a slightly different format. The main differences with the downloadable DDHC-A summery files are:
The Census brief and technical documentation published by the Census Bureau are good places to start if you want to learn more about this data. It also contains information about the suppression of some cells. These suppressed cells have a value of -888,888,888 in the Excel file. Aggregates that contain one of these suppressed cells also got this value. Excel file with NY County data on household type and tenure by detailed race of the householder (Detailed DHC-B)Download NY County data from detailed DHC-BSimilarly to the detailed DHC-A, we created an Excel workbook that contains information from the detailed DHC-B on household type and tenure for all the detailed and regional groups, but in a slightly different format. We added the population size from DHC-A to these tables as that is used to determine the provided detail. The random noise added to avoid disclosure is added to the individual cells and summed to create a total. This is done independently for the tenure tables and the household type tables. This causes two different estimates for the same statistic, but you can see one as an estimate of number of occupied houses and the other as an estimate of the number of households. We added a third estimate to the table which averages the totals from the tenure and from the household type tables (inverse variance weighted). This estimate of the total has a lower MOE and is thus more accurate, but should only be used if you are only interested in the total number of units. Privacy Protected Microdata Files (PPMF)External resources:At the Census Bureau Cornell produced files:BackgroundIn August 2024 the Census Bureau released Privacy Protected Microdata Files (PPMF), files with microlevel information about persons in one file and about households and housing units in another. Each record in the person file represents a single person and defines the characteristics of that person (age, sex, race, hispanic origin, etc.). Each record in the unit file represents a living quarters and the household within. It contains information on occupancy, tenure, household size, household type, etc. This PPMF is consistent with the PL94-171 redistricting file and the DHC. This means that the number of records in an area is equal to the published count for that area, but also aggregates of people in a certain age group, a race group, etc. are the same. So if you count all records in the PPMF that indicate that this person is male with an age between 0 and 4 than you get the same results as published in DHC table P12. The PPMF however allows users to create tabulations that were not published in the DHC tabulations. Data users might be interested in characteristics of their neighborhood and that neighborhood doesn't line up with Census tracts. Or data users are interested in age groups that are not in table P12, for example 6 to 12 year olds in a school district. The PPMF also allows for cross-tabulations, for example age distributions of married and unmarried partners. GuidanceThere are a couple of things to keep in mind while using the PPMF:
Data QualityExternal resources:At the Census Bureau
Elsewhere Under constructionLast modified: August 14, 2024 |