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Cornell Program on Applied Demographics
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 Population estimates
Total Population
Group Quarters Population
 Change in population
Population growth/decline since 4/1/2010 (in %)
Population growth/decline since 4/1/2010 (count)
Population change since previous estimate
 Population by race
White Non-Hispanic
Black Non-Hispanic
American Indian Non-Hispanic
Asian Non-Hispanic
Percentage White Non-Hispanic
Percentage Black Non-Hispanic
Percentage American Indian Non-Hispanic
Percentage Asian Non-Hispanic
Percentage Hispanic
 Population by age
Median age
Population age 5-17
Population age 25-44
Population age 45-64
Population age 65 and older
Population age 85 and older
 Age Dependency ratios
Dependency Ratio
Child Dependency Ratio
Aged Dependency Ratio
 Estimated Components of Change (Natural Increase)
Natural Increase (Births - Deaths)
Birth rate (per 1000 population)
Death rate
Natural Increase (Births - Deaths) rate
 Estimated Components of Change (Migration)
Domestic Migration
International Migration
Net Migration
Domestic Migration rate
International Migration rate
Net Migration rate
 Housing Unit Estimates
Housing Units
Building permits (buildings)
Building permits (units)
Percentage change Housing Units
 Labor market
Average wages
Per Capita Personal Income
Unemployment rate
 Labor force details
Labor Force
Estimated percent of people of all ages in poverty
Estimated percent of people age 0-17 in poverty
Estimate of people of all ages in poverty
Estimate of people age 0-17 in poverty
 Domestic migration (based on matched tax returns)
Domestic in migrants
Domestic out migrants
Net domestic migrants
 Migration within NY
In migrants from different NY county
Out migrants to different NY county
Net migration with other NY counties
Percentage domestic in migrants coming from other NY county
Percentage domestic out migrants moving to other NY county
 Net migration rates
Net domestic migrants per 1000 stayers
Net NY migrants per 1000 stayers
Net migrants different state per 1000 stayers

Population estimates

Population by race

Population by age

Estimated Components of Change (Natural Increase)

Estimated Components of Change (Migration)

Housing Unit Estimates

Labor market


Domestic migration (based on matched tax returns)