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Cornell Program on Applied Demographics
Farms and Land in Farms
Number of farms
Land in farms (acres)
Average acres in farms
Farm Operator
Average age principal operator
Acres harvested
Corn (Grain) - Acres harvested
Corn (Silage) - Acres harvested
Hay - Acres harvested
Alfalfa - Acres harvested
Hay (Excl. Alfalfa) - Acres harvested
Corn (Grain) - Production (BU)
Corn (Silage) - Production (Tons)
Hay - Production (Tons)
Alfalfa - Production (Tons)
Hay (Excl. Alfalfa) - Production (Tons)
Corn (Grain) - Yield (BU / Acre)
Corn (Silage) - Yield (Tons / Acre)
Hay - Yield (Tons / Acre)
Alfalfa - Yied (Tons / Acre)
Hay (Excl. Alfalfa) - Yield (Tons / Acre)